Episode #8 – Transitional Relationships

TOP S1:E8 Transitional Relationships


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Transitional Relationships

I was talking a lot about transition, moving through things, and changing. The big question I have is whether a transition is fluid or static. Does it only happen when I’m conscious of it or when I believe I’m going through a transition? Is it always happening in small ways every single day? It has been important to me because where I have landed is, I believe transition is happening every day. Our relationships and our day are transitional. Everything I do, I’m moving from one thing to the next. If I’m conscious of them, I’m conscious that I’m constantly transitioning. That allows me to focus on.

TOP S1:E8 Transitional Relationships

Transitional Relationships: Transition is happening every day. We are moving from one thing to the next.


How am I working through this? How am I working through doing a good facilitation project? How am I working through where something I said hurt somebody’s feelings, and I wasn’t aware of it until they told me? I have to be able to work through both of those things with the same level of integrity, intensity, and willingness to hear someone else’s truth. It is easier sometimes to hear the truth that says, “Way to go,” versus the truth that says, “You hurt me.”

Transition is happening every day. We are moving from one thing to the next. Share on X

As I think about everything that’s happened to me in the last several months, I go back to what I know, which is the origination point of my ways of thinking, my narratives, and the ways that I behave are rooted in my past experiences. If I’m unconscious or unwilling to accept the impact of what I’m doing, chances are I’m going to replicate the things that impact relationships from a demeaning or denigrated perspective.

TOP S1:E8 Transitional Relationships

Transitional Relationships: If I’m unconscious or unwilling to accept the impact of what I’m doing, then chances are I will replicate the things that impact relationships from a demeaning perspective.


Going back to where I started with this show, I do this work to make the world a more humane place. If I’m going to do that, I have to look at my own humanity. I have to look at what has been the impact when I have been inhumane to others. What has been the impact when others have been inhumane to me? The other question is the opposite. Where do we see our humanity showing up? Where do we do things for others because they need that support? The way that we are treating each other in America and in the world is demeaning and denigrative. It doesn’t promote a sense of belonging. We are in an othering state in a lot of our communities, organizations, and families.

As you think about transitional relations and relationships, I want you all to think deeply about your own role in where we are now. Do you stand up when you hear wrong? Do you make up stories about other people and then treat them like that? If you are honest, the answer is yes because it’s something where we all do.

We are all socialized in a similar way, regardless of our racial, ethnic, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or political stance. Whatever identifier we want to use, we all have a similar level of socialization. Judgment, stereotyping, shame, and blame are all built into the fabric of our humanity. If we are not conscious of it, we run the risk of being systematized. When we do that from the perspective of denigration and demeaning, we take that into all of our interactions.

TOP S1:E8 Transitional Relationships

Transitional Relationships: Judgment, stereotyping, shaming, and blaming are all built in to the fabric of our humanity. We must be conscious of it.


As we move through the future episode, I will both share my story, challenge you to share your stories, and think about what daily practice we can do to achieve our why or write in some way the way that we are now treating each other that creates othering and not belonging. My daily practice moving forward is going to be aware of how I’m treating people and take ownership if something that I do hurts another person, and be able to listen to what they are bringing into the conversation. I will practice that every day.

Be kind, be humane, and be self-aware. Together, we can make the world a more humane place. Share on X

Daily practice is something that you do for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or an hour a day, knowing that at any given time, you won’t be your best. On those days when you don’t do your best, don’t beat yourself up. Accept it. When I don’t have a good day because something happened that I didn’t handle well, I own it. I say, “What can I do to rectify it? What do I want to do differently next time? The beauty of humanity is every day that I wake up, I have another opportunity to practice being more humane.

TOP S1:E8 Transitional Relationships

Transitional Relationships: When I don’t have a good day because something happened that I didn’t handle well, I own it.


My request to anyone reading is to be kind, be humane, be self-aware, and together, let’s make the world a more humane place. We have a goal of getting 1 million subscribers to this show. We need your support to not only reach our goal. We need all of you to reach our goal of making the world a more humane place. Thanks. Have a great day. Do great things, find a daily practice, and we will see you in the next episode.


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